And soon, so will the membership dues…
Now that a properly functioning website has been reestablished with forthcoming tangible benefits for members, annual membership fees will also be implemented to help defray the costs of operating the Sentinel Owners & Pilots Association (aka L-5 club) and this website. A fee structure has not been determined yet, but will be (hopefully) implemented before January 2021 once the start-up, monthly and annual expenses are calculated..
Dues will probably cost in the neighborhood of $5/month or $60/year. Extra donations will also be solicited to help defray the cost of new equipment, software, data storage and recovery, webhosting and consulting services, internet service and other expenses. To say the least, that hasn’t been inexpensive. We aren’t here to make a profit, and that has never been a goal since the SOPA was established in 2001, but those costs will need to be covered and they have grown substantially over the years. I might be far underestimating the costs of doing non-business, so we’ll see what the dues will have to be shortly.
Thanks for your support and patience everybody. JG